Sunday 17 May 2015

The signs' fucked up logic

Aries: Likes to mess with people and make fun of them and stuff. Gets angry really quickly if somebody does that to them.
Taurus: Wants you to be honest and open with your emotions and thoughts, is not with theirs 
Gemini: Wants you to listen to them, doesn’t listen to you.
Cancer: Criticizes and gives pointers a lot but gets irritated and annoyed when someone gives them. 
Leo: Wants everything their way and gets annoyed when someone doesn’t understand that but won’t have an open mind for someone else’s way. 
Virgo: Wants to debate and discuss things with you, but there is no possible way that they’re wrong and you’re right, they think they are always right.
Libra: Wants you to know how they’re feeling while they show no indications what so ever. 
Scorpio: Hates and is afraid of being manipulated, is the biggest manipulator.
Sagittarius: Wants to play competitive games with you and make fun of you if you lose, will get fucking pissed if they lose and you make fun of them.
Capricorn: Stays quiet most of the time, talking is at minimum but still wants people to adore them and think they’re fun and is annoyed or confused when they don’t.
Aquarius: Calls out people who judge others and says that its not nice. Its okay when they do it.
Pisces: Wants people to be gentle with them and is annoyed when someone is apathetic towards them, but usually doesn’t care about how certain things will make other people feel and is apathetic towards a lot of things. 

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