The story of “Book of Mojo” centers around Creepy, a homeless teenage witch in search of her missing father. Then Mojo, a giant enchanted statue, literally falls into her life. With no memory of his past, Creepy agrees to help Mojo, for her own reasons. But things quickly spiral out of control when a group of black magic users called The Brokerage come to claim Mojo, saying they created him. The duo must then go on the run into the labyrinth of city streets, avoiding a magic-wielding crime syndicate, the cops, and Creepy’s personal rivals.
“Book of Mojo” started life as a comic book by Everett Downing(Pixar/Dreamworks). When he recruited his colleagues to create a trailer for the first book, it seemed a natural fit as an animated series. Thus Alchemy Engine was born.
Alchemy Engine currently consists of 25 past employees of major studios such as Pixar Animation Studio, Dreamworks Animation, and Blue Sky Studios. Disillusioned by the current paradigm of American animation, Alchemy Engine strives to tell stories featuring characters they feel are under-represented in today’s animation market.Committed to providing a different kind of content, they have banded together to take creative risks in producing compelling stories for young-adults.
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