Friday 21 August 2015

What's In My Backpack! + Tips and Advice!

Hey guys! Back-To-School season is sadly/happily here, and I'm going to give you some tips and advice, and show you what's in my backpack! - Everything is linked if you want anything within my backpack!
In My Backpack...
*I would totally show a picture of everything in my backpack, but:
1. My room is a total mess right now omg
2. I'm disorganized and I'm doing this right now without cleaning it out and... something tells me something embarrassing is going to come out of this.
So my mom got me a brand new Roots backpack to use as my carry on while we were on vacation, and I've decided to also use it for school because it looks nice, and I told my mom I didn't want her to spend tons of money on backpack that will break a couple days later, just like last year. Anyways, the backpack has 2 bigger pockets, 1 medium sized pocket, 1 smaller pocket on the front, 2 small pockets on the sides, and 1 water bottle/liquid pocket on one of the pockets.

In the first small pocket...
I have my iPod, my Happy Plugs in gold, which I'm really happy with by the way. I just got them and I'm really impressed with the sound quality. I also have 3 packs of Mentos that I got from Asia at the airport (they had like 6 packages for $2 so I couldn't resist...) and some Excel Winter Fresh gum that used to be in a large package like this.

In the next pocket...
I have my wallet which is an Attack On Titan wallet I got from the Philippines (I can't find the link to the exact one so I'm taking you to the coolest looking one on Amazon.) and it has my credit cards, my gift cards, money, and some receipts, movie tickets, and train/plane tickets. I also have my bus pass.

On the small pocket in the front...
It has like one of those cool pencil hole things here you can slide your pencils and pens in, so, as a 'just in case', in those 4 pockets I have 4 Bic Matic Shimmer Mechanical pencils. And then beside those pencil holders, There's like 3 smaller pockets, 1 bigger one, and then the whole pocket itself (as confusing as it sounds...) in the first smaller pocket I have some coins, in the 2nd smaller pocket is basically my mini garbage pocket, and in the 3rd small pocket I have a sticky note with something my friend drew on it... and in the bigger on beside them, I have 2 packets of tissues. And in the whole pocket itself, I have my 'essentials and needs' bag which is a Bagin Bag that I got off of Amazon in the colour turquoise.

In my Essentials and Needs bag, I have some pads from the brand Always, I have some wet wipes from Blue-Q ...I don't exactly trust this brand and I don't exactly know why I got these... but I'm pretty sure that it was probably just for the funny packaging... And I also have some regular Wet Ones. I actually have 2 full packets of these because I'm still using the Blue-Q ones. I used to, like every beauty girl from YouTube, I used to use the Pacifica ones, and then the realization came to me that... why am I buying $71 wet wipes? I also have some small tissues, I have some Face Blotting sheets from Besty, I have to keep some dry shampoo with me because of my hair dye. I have a lot of lip balms... starting with my Nivea one in Macadamia and Vanilla, my other Nivea one in Milk and Honey (my personal favourite one..), I have some mini Vaseline (mine is actually in the cocoa butter kind but I can't find the travel size version of that.), I have my EOS in sweet mint, and I got some chapstick from a 5 year old at one of the birthday parties I ran with a friend (I work at a Children's Museum and I hosted as a Princess!) and she gave me an Ariel Lip Smacker. I also have some Hawaiian Tropic sunscreen that I'll probably remove soon because it's almost winter. I have some St.Ives lotion, this lotion rocks for my skin, but for some of my friends skin, they really don't like it. I have Taylor Swift's Wonderstruck perfume. Oh lord I love this perfume so much. I also have some Vanilla perfume my mom got me for my birthday. The next thing I have 4 hand sanitizers from Bath and Body Works, one is the new Cozy Vanilla Cream, Pineapple Sorbet, Watermelon Picnic, and the older version of Vanilla Bean Noel, but for some reason, I can't find it anywhere...I have some hair ties, I actually have music note ones that I got from the CSI in the Philippines but, I can't find them. I also have this screw driver kit for my glasses, I have my glasses case, I have some OFF After Bite except I can't find the OFF brand but, if you really want to the OFF brand you can google them, although I gave you the link to a pretty decent brand too. I have some Advil and some Benadryl because allergies suck. I keep about 3 of each pill in a little bag. I have some Listerine pocket packs just incase gum doesn't work for me, I have some GUM floss sticks, my toothbrush (not an exact one), mini toothpaste (this is the one I use), I have a mini hair brush and mirror too but I also got those at the CSI in the Philippines so I can't find it online. I have some hair removal cream and some facial hair removal cream because I'm one of those people with sensitive skin and shaving easily irritates me, deodorant  I have the vanilla one but I want this one really bad, and I have some whitening strips. Last but not least, I have some baby powder because this stuff actually helps if you don't want to sweat. I also sometimes keep a mini sewing kit in my bag. I don't wear makeup so.

In the first bigger pocket..
This is my favourite pocket. My food pocket. The first piece of food that pops out is my favourite, white chocolate. These are my favourites: 1 2 3 I also keep a clif bar or two, a bueno bar, some Cadbury eggs, gourmet cookies (that you can't purchase online, but I'm sure you can find them in your local bakery or grocery store), I also have some assorted Polvoron that I got from this store called 'Goldilocks' back in the Philippines. You can search up their brand. I have some teddy grahams, I have some blueberries, and a banana!

In the master pocket...
I have my pencil case (I can't find the exact one, because I also got it from the CSI, so I gave you one exactly like it), inside is some Sharpies, some pens: 1 2 3 4 5, some sticky notes: 1 2 3 4, high lighters: 1 2 3, I have my accordion folder, which I also got from the CSI so here's a link that'll take you to a good one. my music folder (which is literally just a dollar store folder), I have a sketchbook (I got mine from a store called 'Bejans' beside my moms works so, I can't find the exactly one so, here, take a knockoff.), I have my binder with all my notebooks inside it (I have 4 for one semester and 4 for the other.), my school planner, drum sticks, my harmonica, my kazoo, and my slide whistle. I also like to keep my hard drive and flash drive.

This is basically a summary of what I keep in my backpack, now here's some tips and advice depending on your grade! I'm only doing grades I've been in so far/are going into.

Grade 6 and below
1. You don't need to carry the whole world in your backpack.
I remember being in kindergarten and I actually carried literally so much, that my back hurt. Same with the 1st grade, and every grade until the 6th. I carried so much that my back hurts until now. I was such an idiot back then. So here's a tip: Don't carry a lot of stuff. All you should be carrying is a pencil case, maybe some paper or some folders, and a lunchpail. Maybe even a phone if you want. You don't need a laptop, you don't need a heavy ass binder, you don't need a backpack weighing you down.
2. Pay Attention. Don't get distracted.
Back in the 5th grade, I admit to never doing my work, never paying attention in class, and barely passing tests. I admit to all of it. And it affects my self until now. You guys are still young, therefore you have a lot to learn from. Pay attention. Sure a good party and what not is good every now and then, but don't do it all the time.
3. Don't be an asshole. 
I was also an absolutely asshole in the 5th grade. I made fun of people, I harassed people. I was the worst kid, yet I still somehow had friends. So, don't be an asshole. No matter what grade you're in/ Especially the older kids. They will target you.

Grade 7 - 8You're almost there! Almost time to graduate and move on to high school! Here's a couple tips to keep you on top!
1. You're getting older, so take responsibility.Yes, yes, yes. Responsibility is key! You're getting older, stop blaming other people for things that was your fault. Take responsibility and do things on your own hands. Because trust me, once you get to the 8th grade or high school, your parents will bring up the old 'you're in highschool now.'. So start taking care of yourself, and your things.
2. Start learning to get organized and moving.Being unorganized and lazy can only get you so far. Start learning to organize and clean your things, and start moving a lot more. Once you hit the high grades, you'll be busier than ever, which yes, is more work, but if you stay organized, keeping your things in the right place, and learn to keep multitasking and doing a lot of things at once, you'll be aye ok.
3. Learn to start doing things on your own.
Because next year, you'll have to do everything on your own. Especially if you're, like me, going to a high school where basically no one from your elementary school is going to. You're sooner or later going to have to do things without holding nobody else's hands but your own. You'll find yourself on a road that only you can decide the direction to. Make sure you stay in your lane.

Well that's all the stuff in my backpack and all the advice I have!
Here are the websites I used!
AliEpress and Amazon!

These two websites are fantastic especially if you want cheap stuff!

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