Sunday 30 August 2015

Pretty sure this was intentional

NEW #3Dweebs Starting Tomorrow!

Annie and I have been away for almost 2 months, so we're going to be uploading a lot of fun videos! Hopefully, if I have some good ideas.

Anyways! Tomorrow, we will be for sure announcing some pretty surreal things, that you guys won't even believe! Stay tuned!

Friday 28 August 2015

I knew I was going to get questions on this!: What is a Root Canal Treatment?

Alright alright, yes, it does involve a lot of dentist work. So for those of you who don't like the dentist, you really, really, might not want to read this.

Okay so a couple months back in late March, I went to this dentist close to my house, and we were new patients. So my mom took me to my appointment and the dentist had told me that I had a small cavity in one of the teeth in my back.So I was like "oh, okay, just fill me up." so we went in for the filling, he 'cleaned' it out just like you're supposed to, and then he put the filling over top of his shitty job. So that was that and my mom and I went home.

About 2 weeks, coming into our last week of vacation in the Philippines, I started getting pain again in the same tooth that the doctor had repaired, The whole left side of my mouth started swelling up and it hurt whenever I drank or ate anything, causing me to lose about 5 pounds. So as soon as we got home, my mom booked me another dentist appointment, but since it was an emergency and apparently my other dentist was on vacation, my parents decided to take me to a different dentist just to get it checked out. The doctor at the newer dentist office took an x-ray and had told me that 'there is a large cavity beneath my filling.' and that he wanted me to come back the next day so that he could remove the filling and see what's happening inside. So my mom said 'yeah sure why not'. So they booked us an appointment.

But we later on found out that you have to pay upfront, and since we:
1. Just got back from vacation
2. Didn't have enough money, but had insurance

We decided to go to, yet another, dentist. This time, the dentist office was a lot further, but it was totally worth it. So this dentist did the exact same thing the last one did. Took an x-ray and had told me that some action is going on under my filling. So looking further at the x-rays, the doctor, who was a woman this time, had told me that the doctor who first filled up my filling, had actually only cleaned, and filled it up halfway. So my mom was pissed, my dad was pissed. And so the doctor had said that she wanted to take a deeper look. She got her tools and looked into the tooth. The cavity had gotten all the way down into the roots. My tooth was dead and there was nothing but bacteria and decay in the tooth. It was either the doctor pulls out the tooth, or gives me treatment. I'm only 14, and it would be a pretty bad and shameful thing if I had to get a tooth like that taken out at my age, so they decided to let me keep it, and just treat it so I can't feel the pain. The treatment was called: A Root Canal Treatment.

So, the doctor said the treatment would be 2 hours long, and would take place at 10am on August 27th, 2015, so, yesterday. I was pretty scared at first, but to be honest, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Pinches every now and then, but not too bad. They first numbed the side and tooth that they were going to work on. They then took a sharp tool and starting opening and digging and getting into the tooth over top of it. This was the end of that tooth, that's for sure. Once it was opened, the began to poke large needles and such into my tooth, which hurt so, so much. They took x-rays with needles inside every now and then so that they could see where to put the needles without guessing and hurting me. After that, they filled it up with some plastic, awesome stuff, that would keep anymore bacteria or decay from entering the tooth.

Now, I brush my teeth 3 times a day, I floss, and I rinse with Listerine. But this just had to happen.

It didn't hurt so much once the treatment was done because I couldn't exactly feel my face yet. But let me tell you, as soon as I got home and I got hungry and wanted to eat, every time I opened my mouth, it felt like Satan's ass was coming out of me. But today, it was actually a lot better than hurting the pain before. And tomorrow, I get to hang out with my best friend from Toronto!

So, just saying, don't always trust the cheapest dentist. And yes, we are suing the dentist who basically ruined my entire tooth for me. No mercy for this one.

Any other questions can be asked!

Alright guys! Just a few things that have been happening!

~ I got a Root Canal Treatment
~ We have 4 new exciting videos for the 3Dweebs to record, they will all be uploaded this weekend and next weekend!
~ My best friend of all time is coming tomorrow!

We've got a lot going on, including back to school planning, so I'm sorry about delays to blog. I will try my best though!