Sunday 23 August 2015

Looking For A Real Productive Way To Save Money? Here you go!

So, a lot of college/university students, or maybe even high schools students, and another additional, maybe even people who are already working but aren't making enough, are probably looking for real ways to make and save money, but probably aren't finding anything. And trust me, coming from a person being in all 3 of these categories, I can definitely relate to your problems. But I told my friend about a year ago to help me with a special project, let's call her, hm, Melany. So Melany liked spending a ton of money. She was like every other girl and guy, and maybe even other, because gender labels suck, but she liked spending money on some things she didn't need. Designer bags, shoes, fattening foods and candies, almost anything. At the beginning of her little 'grocery shopping' trip, she had $150, all the time, and then by the time she got to the cash register, she found herself just having enough money to buy everything. I'm pretty sure that just about every parent or student can relate to this. So, I'm going to show you 3 ways to save money, and 3 awesome apps that I found that will help you make money. Let's do it!

Saving Money
Welcome to the section every parent and student needs, the saving money section. Well, here's you're first tactic.

The 52 Week Challenge
Okay, so, basically, the 52 weeks challenge, may sound difficult, but it's only 52 weeks, not even half a year, and you can save up to $5000! This is how you do it!
So for the 1st week, you save $1, for a total of $1. Pretty simple. The second week, you save $2, for a total of $3, and the third week repeats the same. You save up a dollar more than you did a week before, every week. And eventually, you'll find yourself 52 weeks later, full of cash! Pretty cool huh? This idea was inspired by this, but it doesn't have to just be for Disney Land. Do you know how much dogs $5000 can get you?!?!

The 44 Week Challenge
Don't have 44 weeks? Well, than give 44 a try. Okay okay, so I get that it isn't that far off from 52, but this will also get you $1000 in 44 weeks. And it's a lot simpler than saving up $206 or so in a week. So this is what you do!:
So for the month of January, it's about 5 weeks, so you will save up $2, per week in January. You don't add $2 every week like in the other challenge. Just a regular $2. Nothing more.
Moving on to February, which is 4 weeks, this time, you save up $5 per week. Nothing more.
March, $10 per week, April, $15 per week May, $20 per week, June $25, etc.
You just add $5 more every month. And by the end of 44 weeks, that'll get you a total of $1000!

Tips and Advice for Saving
Alright, so all you need is tips? Here ya go!
Tip 1: Save at a slow pace.
Saving money works the exact same way as trying to lose weight. It has to be done at a slow, and easy pace. Because if you do it all at once, you'll find yourself getting back into the habit that you wanted to get out of, which is in this case, spending on a ton of stuff you don't need.Trust me, it is not a good thing. Are you working with one of the challenges above? Than don't add more to what the challenge says to. Just work with the challenge, and it'll work with you.

Tip 2: Even if you want to be nice, don't treat your friends.
Don't treat your friends. I know a couple times where I found myself in a situation where a friend didn't have enough money or that wanted something but they couldn't get it. It's happened, and it happens to a lot of people. But don't let your angel side get to you this time. When a friend doesn't have money or wants something they can't get, let them deal without themselves. It may make you sound like a bad friend, but just remember, you're a person too. And when my friends told me that they'd 'pay me back', did it ever happen? No. Absolutely not. Never. But maybe this isn't the case, if you want to go out drinking, or buying dinner or anything as such, go out with a group of friends. Because there's always that angel in the group that volunteers to pay or says 'on me'. It's happened with me and I'm only 14. So go with friends or, take a friends mom to take you. It'll be a spendless, fun, delicious journey.

Tip 3: Don't give in.
We all get to the point where we find something we really, really, wanted or want. But don't give in! You can do this you brave little soldier! It may seem and be really really hard at first, but in the end of the day, it'll be a good reward. You'll actually come home with money in your wallet for once! Both you, and your wallet will thank you.

Tip 4: FOR THE LOVE OF JESUS DO NOT BORROW FROM ANYONE OR ANYTHING.Whether it be a bank or a person, don't borrow money. Just, don't do it. Not even a little bit, you'll end up getting screwed in the end. So, don't.

Making Money
I think that I should've put this before saving money but, oh well. So, you're looking to make money huh? Well, let me show you some awesome apps and tactics that'll help you!

Using your parents
Alright, alright, don't get mad. We've all done it. Even as babies. Our entire lives, our parents have spent money, and given us money, for just about everything. Your parents are too nice to say 'no' to their own child. I'm not telling you to go up to them and say 'yo, mom, dad, I need yo bills. $50.'. That's not how you do it. For those of you in middle schools, tell your parents that you and your friends are going out somewhere after school, but in reality, keep the money for yourself. It may sound like a bitchy way to do it, but that's how I did it. I always told my parents that I was going to get a bottle of gatorade everyday before school. Easy $2. If you're in high school, tell your parents about lunch money, or that you're also going out after school. For high schoolers, you're parents have 'been there done that', so they'll be able to relate on how much they've spended. They'll probably give you about $10 or more. That's what I do with my parents now. For college and university students, depending on the parents, one half of the world has those parents that always give you the 'well maybe you should get a job', but the other lucky half of the world will give you the 'okay honey. No problem.'. But just tell your parents you're going through a 'tough time'. It'll give them a warm heart. Convince them that you really need help.

You guys have probably heard of this, or seen this around the global net, but this app really, really does work. So I've had and have been using FeaturePoints for about 3 months and I already have almost 4000 points, which can already get you about $10 gift cards, and money into your PayPal accounts. I only have 4000 points because I ended up spending some of my points to get the pocket version of MineCraft. You can even get iPad minis, apps, and a whole bunch more! And if you use a referral link, you'll get 50 points in advanced! Use my referal: HY4H7Y!

Sell your stuff!
Well lookie lookie, this is probably another tip that you've seen like 700 times around. But selling your stuff works for sure. Whether it's in your city or around the world, someone out there is looking for something that you don't want anymore, therefore, they'll buy it off of you! A couple apps such as EBay, Kijiji, Carousell, The Hunt, SnapWire, and so many more are places that you can sell your stuff and people from all around the world will buy it. You can also make your own stuff on RedBubble, DeviantArt, or even Etsy. Homemade stuff will get you a lot more customers, therefore, a lot more money. I've made almost $55 in one week from selling little things like boxes and some headbands online. It's definitely a way to save,earn, and recycle.

Tips and advice for earningHere's a few tips that every single person looking to get money online should know.

Tip 1: If it seems to good to be true, it probably is my friend.
Okay so every now and then you've probably googled 'make money online', and you've seen ads or links that say 'make $1000 in a day!' or 'become a millionaire!'. Getting into the deep stuff, lets just say some of my family have fallen and are still falling for these fake ads. These ads are risky, and usually huge assholes using the internet for their advantages. Don't trust it.

Tip 2: Not everything works. If it doesn't work, try something different.
Whether its an app or a tactic, if you don't think its working for you, or if you're not happy with it. You probably don't want to spend all your time with it. Just like websites where you do surveys for money, if you think you don't have the time for such a thing (that's why I didn't include those in my article), move on to another tactic. Don't waste your time doing something you aren't happy with.

Tip 3: Look for a job or small jobs out in the community.Online ways to make money don't always work. Look for part time jobs or small jobs for you. I know that some oldies in my community are looking for people to walk their dog and pay $6 an hour, so, that's some pretty easy money. There's also newspapers that are probably looking for people to pass their newspapers out to. Another way to make pretty easy money. This whole thing is for people willing to get experience and try something out in the real world. Just give it a shot. You might actually like it.

These are all my tips and advice for making, and not breaking your wallet happy!

Hope you liked this article and see you soon!

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