Tuesday 4 November 2014

For more on why you shouldn’t use the “R-Word” go here.

That should about settle it.
I’m looking at this  flow chart wondering if people are going to think that a sentence like “Our expected arrival in Moscow was retarded by the blizzard” is now offensive. 
As an adjective, it’s  an offensive word, in any context. (See flow chart.)
As a verb, especially a verb that is not describing a person, but describing arriving late, delay or holding back, it’s not, as far as I know, considered in any way offensive.  Or am I wrong? (I’m perfectly willing to be wrong, and to learn better if I am.)
As a developmentally disabled person, I personally feel that it is not okay to use in any context. In the same way that slurs like f*ggot should not be used, even in the context of the British food. It has become a slur. The context of a slur does not change the fact that it is a slur.
Someone who has had this word used against them (e.g, developmentally disabled people) will be upset by people using it as an adjective, but also as a verb.
I, personally, feel uncomfortable whenever I hear the word retarded, however it is being used, even in a perfectly innocent context.
I hope I’ve explained at least enough to make sense - I’m not very good with explanations.

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