Wednesday 5 November 2014

75 iconic pictures of the 21st century

Italian special force soldier after 72 hour battle in Afghanistan
School for black civil rights activists. Young girl being trained to not react to smoke blown in her face, 1960
Disability activists abandon their wheelchairs and mobility devices and crawl up the 83 stone steps of the U.S. Capitol Building demanding the passage of the American with Disability Act, March 12, 1990.
A south Korean man cries as his brother is on a train back to North Korea. Separated by the war, they have not seen the other since 1950. They were allowed to see each other for three days, but one will go back spending life in luxury, and the other in hard labour
 The Mocambo night club in East Hollywood, a white’s only club, was the most popular dance spot around but would not book Ella because she was black. Marilyn, who adored Ella Fitzgerald and her music, called the manager and demanded that they book Ella immediately
Portrait of Istvan Reiner, taken shortly before he was killed in Auschwitz
Werfel, a 6 year old orphan from Austria has just been given his first pair of new shoes by the American Red Cross,1946.
The last Jew of Vinnitsa
Until the mid-60s, the Aboriginals came under the Flora And Fauna Act, which classified them as animals, not human beings. This also meant that killing an Aboriginal meant you weren’t killing a human being, but an animal.
I hope you guys learned and teared up from this as much as I did. 

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