Sunday 5 July 2015

So, about 2 weeks ago my school came back from a camp called 'Camp Celtic'...

I know, I know, off the radar because it was 2 weeks ago and I should've posted this before, but must I admit, I was one of the people who really didn't wanna go to camp in the first place. I was one of the people who did 'what if's' instead of trying first, and I was one of the people who doubted they'd have fun. and criticized the place before I even got there.

But when I came back, I realized...

I loved it.

I came back not only to realize that I had basically the best time of my life, but that the only reason why I didn't want to go in the first place was because I knew I would have to say 'goodbye' to everyone and everything eventually. And not to mention for the fact that I cried when it was the last night sleeping there. It was a good time, I made a ton of new friends, I met a ton of new people, and I had experienced things that I never knew I would end up doing so. I had the greatest time ever and it was all because of my awesome teacher and the staff and volunteers at the camp.

I'll definitely be coming back hopefully next Summer (as to I am hella busy this summer...). And I definitely will be coming back as an LIT when I'm 17.

You can see our vlogs and things that we did on our YouTube channel here!

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