Saturday 11 July 2015

Sarah Brashear Tell's SeaWorld What's up

So, recently, a 103 year old orca whale was making some pretty large waves on the outskirts of Canada. And this girl told Seaworld off.

A 103-year-old orca whale named “Granny" has been making some serious waves this week, after she was spotted traveling for 800 miles off the coast of Canada with her pod. The centenarian, also called J2 by researchers, has not only astounded people with her age, but by disproving SeaWorld claims that orcas typically live up to 25-35 years in the wild.

SeaWorld tells tourists and visitors everytime they come, that whales typically live 25-35 years old, which is obviously, a big, fat lie.

So in other words...

Dear SeaWorld,
You've been caught, you're fucked. 

See you all in hell.


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