Tuesday 7 July 2015

Jurassic World Review!

So yesterday, I hung out with my two great friends Annie and Erica, because Erica is moving back to Korea tomorrow, so we decided to give her one last shot around London so she could take it all in before she has to breathe it out again! We went to a place called 'Rainbow Cinemas' here in London, which is basically one of the best places to see cheap movies! We decided to go see Jurassic World because...:
1. Ryan, Guerin, and I played the Jurassic Park theme song for grad (for some reason...)
2. Chris Pratt is our celebrity dad.

So, getting to the point..
The movie was absolutely beautiful with stunning CGI effects, some great acting, and obviously the kids in the theatre went crazy seeing the whole movie! I really did love the effects, as it all did look real, and it proved why genetic mutation is actually illegal and why we shouldn't fuck with science, and an animals natural habitat.

So not only was it a good movie that they decided to now remake from 22 years ago, but it taught a pretty valuable lesson.

So in a summary, not just because of Chris Pratt, I'm going to give this movie a good 'ol 7/10.

Things they could've improved on?
Some of the acting seemed fake and obvious, especially because of the kids.
Most lines and scenes seem pretty unnecessary, and they seemed to have just fit them in to make the movie longer.
It took them this long to make a new movie.

But overall summary, it was amazing and I loved it!

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