Wednesday 13 May 2015

the signs reacting to their crush also having a crush on them

  • aries:why didn't you tell me, buttmunch
  • taurus:says nothing, plays it off as not a big deal
  • gemini:suddenly gets quiet and smiles a lot
  • cancer:can't stop grinning. probably babbles nervously
  • leo:plays it off like they knew already
  • virgo:makes plans for a date right away
  • libra:screams
  • scorpio:laughs a lot, probably smooches them a lil' (if the situation is appropriate)
  • sagittarius:takes them on an impromptu date right then and there, plays it cool but is screaming inside
  • capricorn:tries to get out of the situation bc they hate feeling vulnerable. they babble about it to their friends for DAYS
  • aquarius:overthinks it, wonders if you're just messing with them
  • pisces:probably dances and acts all cute and fantasizes about the two of you on their wedding day

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