Saturday 21 March 2015

The best site. Ever.

Client: We’re a water filtration company. We know exactly what we want so that this will be the most creative, and award winning website on the internet. Here is the list:
A roman soldier on the front page with an animated fiery sword. The soldier should occasionally swing the sword. We have 3 different locations he should be, all on the homepage - but don’t worry - the other two are much smaller still versions. Oh and his shield should look like it’s shining (use animation).
Santa on a polar bear walking back and forth across the screen to grab attention. This should go at the bottom of the page.
A dragon-man casting magic spells. This should alternate with Santa.
Heroic music.
A large 3D oval carousel that houses all our 35+ services. This should be on the front page.
An animated globe on the right hand side with animated flags in which we have our locations.
Animated icons for all our technologies that we use. This should be in the center of the page.
An animated facility (our largest one) - it should look like an illustration. Put it behind the carousel. We don’t think it will clash too much with the roman and carousel so it should be ok.
An animated dollar bill with the president holding his hands on his head in shock with the text DON’T PANIC flashing over it.
Please use interesting fonts, ideally 5-6 that look similar to Comic Sans but more playful.

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