Friday 6 February 2015

The Julia Legare Legend

The Julia Legare Legend 
Back in the mid-1800s, Julia was declared dead and interred in the family’s mausoleum. 15 years later it was opened again and Julia’s remains were crumpled at the foot of the mausoleum’s door. She had been buried alive. The family horrified, entombed her once more. After that every time the door was closed it would be found open a day later. 
Chains and unbreakable locks were used to keep the mausoleum sealed tight, but they would always break and the door would open. As little as 50 years ago a door was put on that could only be removed by industrial heavy machinery and that door was also opened.
That’s when everyone gave up trying to close the door. To this day, the original door is nothing more than broken marble that sits in the grassy doorway to the tomb. It is thought her spirit can rest in peace.

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