Thursday 5 February 2015

I just wanted to point this out and say...

There's only one true reason that students hate school. It's not the teachers (sometime), it's not really what the school has and what they can't get, it just the people. The other students or other kids in the school. Have teachers ever looked or tried to look in the students shoes? I mean what if they were the ones being in their position? If all the students were properly punished for bullying someone and were actually nice in this generation, more than half of the kids at every school board guaranteed would be happy about coming to school every morning instead of being miserable about it. Can we all just take a moment and think? I'm tired of seeing such great people go to schools every morning with fake smiles on their faces. It's pathetic and I'm sick of it. And I want it to end. But how? This isn't going to do it. So we might have to. 

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