Thursday 8 January 2015

My 2014 - 2015 Friend Dictionary ~ #ILoveYouTillTheEndOfTheUniverse

So, I decided to try out this new thing called a friend dictionary. The friend dictionary tag is where you put your friends name, and you describe them in a couple words, that come to you right when you look at them! So, let's get started shall we?
Drasti - She has the brains to teach us a lesson
Annie - Is always so nice because she isn't treated nicely all the time
Isaac - Shoves his face in books because he doesn't have anywhere to turn
Guerin - Is always mad because people make fun of him for being a little bit different
Nathan - Is always busy
Ryan - Is always loud because maybe he doesn't have a voice at home
Sierra - Is always mean because maybe that's the way she's been treated her entire life
Madi - Is always kind because maybe she has a backstory she isn't telling us
Blake - Is always giving because maybe he knows what it feels like to not have a lot
Darrien - Is always upset because he feels like nobody can come into his world
Zhane - Is always funny because she knows maybe not everyone is happy
Mackenzie - Is always smiling because she doesn't want anyone to see her sadness
Heidi - Is always trying to fit in because she feels like nobody will like her if she doesn't
Alexis - Is always quite because maybe she doesn't want to be heard and hurt people
Elisha - Is always excited and happy because she knows that maybe she's going through a lot now, but she knows things will definitely get better someday.
Hanna - Is always shoving herself in a dark room because she doesn't have any light anymore
Zynah - Is constantly starving
Sarah - Misses school because she feels like nobody likes her.
Janee - Likes to hang out with me because it't the only freedom she ever gets
Shayla - Likes to sing because maybe nobody lets her outside
Aislynn - Shares her opinion because maybe she just can't take not letting anyone here her anymore
Taylor - Likes to be around friends because maybe she just doesn't get that privilege at home
Chloe - Is always happy and joyful because maybe she's also had some hardships
Peyton - Is sometimes so sincere because maybe she doesn't get that much anywhere else
Kattanna - Is always nice because maybe her parents are trying too hard
Sarah - Is trying to be like the others so she isn't considered different
Sabrina - Is always trying to hurt people because maybe she's felt it before too
Shyann - Is constantly dating someone because maybe it makes her for once happier
Maddie - Likes to brag about new things she bought from the dollar store because maybe her parents don't have a lot
Logan - Likes to try and fit in like the other kids because maybe it makes him feel happier about himself
Kaileigh - Is always nice because maybe she has a bad past too
Eve - Is always mad at herself because she remembers all of her mistakes

I of course have more friends, but these are the people that I worry about the most. Just remember if you are or aren't my friend, I still love you no matter what you've been through. There are a couple other people that I have in mine...

M 7 & 8th grade teachers - Take their time in learning to teach us what could happen if we make a mistake

No matter what you've been through, no matter what you're going through, no matter what you've seen, no matter what you've done. You still have time to change your future and you still have time to change how people look at you. It's your life. It's your story. And don't let anybody else take that pen outta your hands.

Once those walls break down, it'll be hard to build them back up again.


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