Tuesday 20 January 2015

Current Suicide Events - Alberto Nisman

51 years-old Argentine federal prosecutor Alberto Nisman was found dead Sunday night at his apartment. A .22 caliber pistol and spent cartridge found near Nisman body indicates suicide; the autopsy announced Nisman died of a bullet wound in the temple.
The strange thing about this apparent suicide is that Nisman was investigating the bombing of the Argentine-Israeli Mutual Association (AMIA, acronym in Spanish) in 1994 that felt 85 deaths and over 200 wounded. He accused the President of Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, and other member of the Government to cover up Iranians links to AMIA.
When followers of Kirchner accused him of false evidence and incrimination of the President in terrorist acts, Nisman publicly said he had over 30 evidence videos of the accusations, and telephone conversations; and also claimed that the Government had devised a sophisticated criminal plan to favour and disassociate the suspects of AMIA bombing.
Another thing I find very intriguing about this whole situation is Nisman requested to the Secretary of Intelligence, Oscar Parrilli, to revealed the identity of the agents involved in the Memorandum of Understanding between Argentina and Iran, but his request was denied. Only after the discovery of Nisman body, the President, her self, ordered Parrilli to reveal the identities.
Today Nisman was supposed to testify the alleged accusations against the Government. Many opponents of Kirchner politics said that if Nisman wasn’t killed, it was induced suicide.
Nisman had talked to the newsletter La Nacion about the stages of the allegations last week and said:
I can come out dead from this […] From today my life changed. It is my role as a prosecutor, and I had to tell my daughter that she would hear terrible things about me.

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