Friday, 14 November 2014

MBTI Types In the Zombie Apocalypse

MBTI Types In the Zombie Apocalypse
requested by huggingthedaleks
ESTP: goes on zombie-killing adrenaline-driven tirades, almost enjoying themselves
ISTP: stays away from packs of people and survives on their own
ENTP: attempts to find a way into another dimension to escape the zombies
INTP: has the best ideas for survival plans, but doesn’t act on them until it’s already too late
ENFP: attempts to convince everyone through a lot of yelling that love can unite the remaining humans to defeat the zombies
INFP: like ENFP, but with no yelling and some tear-filled moving speeches
ENFJ: organizes the remaining population and tries to find a place to go where everyone can be safe
INFJ: tries to cling to hope, has random moments of badassery
ENTJ: has an actual large-scale plan to defeat the zombies, but has some trouble convincing others to go along with it
INTJ: has an actual large-scale plan to defeat the zombies, but doesn’t tell anyone
ESTJ: takes leadership positions, attempting to rationally organize everyone according to the survival plans they’ve had in place for decades
ISTJ: goes along with who they believe will best ensure their survival
ESFJ: constantly asks if everyone’s okay, trying to make the new post-apocalyptic world seem as close as possible to the previous ways of life
ISFJ: helps with gathering food and taking care of small children
ESFP: has regular panic attacks, and in general has trouble being quiet
ISFP: often stays close to camp, discussing things with the few they trust, and then spontaneously goes on solo zombie hunts

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