Sunday, 16 November 2014

"Defragmenting the Brain"

"Defragmenting the Brain"
Horrible memories next to good means the two often commingle.
You wish to remember a nice moment, but get that uneasy tingle.
Pleasant nostalgia ruined by things you wish you could erase.
Forgetting is usually impossible, but brains have a lot of open space.
Simply defragment your brain, store the dark memories to the side,
In the empty unused portions of the mind, you put them to hide.
There they can’t bug you, or infest what you wish to recall,
No more pausing on past regrets, slowing your brain to a crawl.
You’ll live happier not remembering anything that made you sad.
Filled with confidence knowing that you never did anything bad.
While over time that data may leak out, and flashes break through, 
Just defragment your brain again, and you’ll never have to be you.
Originally Posted 10/24/2011

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